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Universal Imaging Utility, saving the day for IT departments? January 21, 2010

Posted by Steven Blair in Information Technology, IT, Technology.

In a recent press release distributed through the online commercial news source, Business Wire, Big Bang LLC announced that it was releasing a new version of its original and unique hard-drive imaging program, Universal Imaging Utility, or UIU, which would be completely compatible with newly released Windows 7.

This program, which creates a hardware-independent hard drive image that can be deployed on any computer by any manufacturer, helps to streamline the costly and burdensome transition to newer hardware. When the recession is taking its toll on the business sector’s financial statements, every penny counts! Against the ever-progressing changes in computing hardware, IT departments cannot be caught between budget cuts and attempting to stay current with updated technology. Thus, IT departments have been foregoing updates in OS to save on money and time. But, when Microsoft released Windows 7, companies still operating with XP had to decide whether to keep up with the times or be relegated to the scrap heap.

This is where Big Bang’s UIU comes in. This program will allow the IT specialists to create an image each employee’s hard drive and then install it on either a new computer, or the same computer with a reformatted hard drive and an updated OS, like Windows 7. This would save on the great amount of time reinstalling company standard software and attempting to store and transfer all employee files through the company’s network at the same time. With the ever-increasing cost of time in the business world, this program could make or break a company struggling to stay current.


1. VLS - February 2, 2010

This is an interesting summary. However, I would like you to find out what others have said about it. The first question is how it relates to other imagining programs. The second question is how many companies provide unique images (instead having a standard image that gets deployed throughout). That would make your view of this more complete.

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